Well, it's been a really long time since I've posted anything. My new job as manager of Christopher and Banks in Glenwood is going great. The hours have been crazy and will continue to be so until I find an assistant manager and sales supervisor, but "all things come to those who wait." We'll see... Anyway, since I last posted, I've had a 50th birthday and it was FABULOUS!! We had a dance at the Glenwood Community Center and had so many people stop by. I received over 6 dozen roses, champagne, wine and so many balloons that my husband had to drive a separate car over just to get them home. Fifty is great - at least so far!
I'm hoping that I'm back on the blog "wagon" and can post more often. I've made a bunch of cards and done a lot of scrapbooking, so keep your eyes open! Thank you for your patience and I'll talk soon!