Wow - - it's been a long time since I've posted. My plan is to rectify that ASAP. Many of you remember when I got the job as manager of Christopher and Banks in Glenwood Springs Mall. Times are a'changing. About a month ago, a very nice man came in my store and asked if I would be interested in another managerial position in the mall. Mind you, I was not looking for a new job. I love Christopher and Banks, my employees, the clothes..... However, after the fourth time that the other store approached me, after many tears and many prayers, I decided to take the new opportunity. A week from tomorrow I start as manager of Beall's Department Store in Glenwood Springs. If you're in the area, stop by and say hello. Look for new cards and ideas starting later tonight. I have to get ready for a short shift at work today, but have lots of new things out on my stamp table waiting to have their pictures taken. Talk to you again soon!